[Discuss] Wilting trees on Midsummer Common

Joanna Gordon Clark skyclarker at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 4 18:37:37 BST 2011

Very good Idea but would take a bit of organising to get enough people to set 
itworking. Dont' know where the new trees are, could you be more specific?  
think we could if had a hose, run it form fort st george, only don't know how 
close that it to the trees.  Over by the lock there is a water stand for the 
boats, so that would be easy to use, tho don't know how many young trees are 
close enough to that standpipe.

Buckets of river water would work especially if we orgarnised a chain of people, 
passing the bucket, as it were, from river to tree.  It takes quite a lot of 
water hlep one trees but if they are small, not quite so much.  However a bit 
dangerous to water onlly top soil, as in dry weather the tree roots will come up 
to the water inst4ead of down, and that is why agood soaking is generally 

Still no leaves on the biddle trees on maid's causeway.  H'm.

From: John Lawton <chair at soscambridge.org.uk>
To: SOS Cambridge discussion list <discuss at soscambridge.org.uk>
Sent: Wed, 4 May, 2011 14:24:38
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Wilting trees on Midsummer Common


I can't help thinking that some sort of pump and hose would be a good idea, but 
don't have one myself.


At 14:18 04/05/2011, you wrote:
> Well I've forwarded that to a college rower friend - suggested she got the 
>Boaties (who seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time at or near the 
>river) involved and got it circulated round the college boat clubs. It's about 
>time undergraduates realised it's a real town, not just a big university campus. 
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