[Announce] [Discuss] BBC article: "Take cover by saving urban trees"

Lisa Buchholz pale.aquamarine at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 1 17:56:39 GMT 2010

So topical!

So how come we can't get all these tree-choppers to understand it's not what
we want??  Even the environment secretary seems to get it: There was an
article (which you can't look at free online, unfortunately) by the Sunday
Times's Environmental Editor about a new program for "a million trees to be
planted in Britain's most deprived urban areas".  Funding is £ 9 m,
administered by Defra, with Woodland Trust (which is already doing this I
think) planting a lot of them.

"With just 12% native woodland cover, compared to the European average of
44%, every one of us is impoverished by a lack of trees in our landscape. As
individuals, groups and communities we can each take action to improve where
we live and contribute to a bigger vision" - Woodland Trust.

Lisa Buchholz

On 1 December 2010 17:19, John Lawton <john at lawton.me.uk> wrote:

> This is a good read, including the comments:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7271725.stm
> John Lawton
> SOS Chair
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